Peace House Tulsa

306 South Phoenix at Charles Page Blvd (3rd Street) in Tulsa, OK. The official blog for Peace House Tulsa, this forum intends to be ONE avenue for communication among Tulsa-area seekers of and creators of PEACE. See our website too:

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Moderation, unfortunately necessary

As the person responsible for this blog, I have come to the sad conclusion that posting to this list must be moderated, meaning I will be able to delete inappropriate posts. I will make every effort to delete very judiciously and only when truly necessary.
May I remind all readers of the Peace House-Tulsa blog that this blog exists for communication to and among SUPPORTERS of the aims of Peace House. Those wishing to hold discussions on other topics can find many other places to have those discussions.
There is so much work to be done to bring about justice. We have no time for distractions from the necessary and important work before us.
Please be reminded that all posts to this blog need to be signed with a real name within the text if your screen name doesn't reveal that information.
Rev. Valerie Mapstone Ackerman, director of Peace House-Tulsa


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